Woah. The opening of "Love Game" is quite something. That instrumental lays the groundwork for Lim Kim's fierce vocals. The clapping combined with her voice is a treat to start off this song. As the pace picks up, the instrumental does as well but without getting too messy, something which hurt other songs before. Lim Kim does a very good job of sounding good and consistent, without being overshadowed by anything. However, I'm torn on the repetitive lyrics. On one side, it sure makes the song more catchy in general, but on the other, Lim Kim has such a dynamic voice it seems like a waste to not have interesting changes throughout. This is most evident in the bridge, where the notes sound good together but the lyrics make it seem more boring than it could be. In the end though, Lim Kim sounds too good to pass up the repetition of lyrics.
Perhaps the most surprising aspect of "Love Game" is the choreography. Most soloists generally aren't renowned for their dancing, and Lim Kim is no exception but it's a pretty simple dance to accompany the song. Generally, the reason dance isn't as much of a focus is to let the vocals of the singer do the work. Lim Kim is generally stable on live performances so giving a simple choreography is a decent choice. Though I don't think she's one to be a standout dancer regardless.
This video is all sorts of uncomfortable, with men of various race creeping "discreetly" on Lim Kim as she goes about her...everyday life? Even that I'm not so sure on. While the lyrics of the chorus sort of make sense, I'm not that comfortable with the video in general. At least Lim Kim's acting and facial expressions have gotten better since her debut.
"Love Game" is an addiction. Lim Kim's serene vocals draw you in and you pretty much can't escape once you're caught. It's an excellent title track for the rest of her album, which is still full of other superb tracks.
[ Overall: 90 / 100 ]