"Remember" is certainly a summer track through and through. Everything from the beats, the singing, the outfits, and the MV are all very much infused with the spirit of summer. The song is upbeat and the classic A-Pink sound we're all familiar with reigns strong. Naeun deserves much credit for improving on her vocals once more. She was previously the clear weak link in their vocal lineup, but now she more than holds her own. Naeun and INFINITE's L should be staples for other weaker vocalists to look up to and follow. The rest of the song isn't that much different from the usual. Give Eunji and Bomi the chorus and split the rest between the remaining members. The key change right in the middle of each chorus is an odd choice to say the least. It's not that it disrupts the flow of the song per se, it's just...weird. Going through the song for the first time is very confusing because this is such a rare occurrence in Kpop, I almost thought I somehow accidentally skipped to the end of the song. I'm disappointed in the lack of anything interesting at the final chorus, despite yet another key change leading in. Eunji's talent is honestly wasted in a group like A-Pink who are so pop-oriented, which is a big shame given she is very gifted and needs more opportunities to establish herself as a top vocalist. "Remember" has made me realize that I really like Chorong's voice. Maybe it's the summer theme or whatever, but she sounds so much more attractive here than in past hits.
The choreography is pretty simple yet refreshing. The scooping ordeal during the chorus looks extremely weird and doesn't really fit the rest of the choreography. The touches made to the dance like the squatting down, drawing on the "sand," and jumprope are well done. A-Pink are the queens of the innocent and pure look so the dance is pretty in line with their image. I actually thought the break after the bridge wasn't intentional for the audio, but after watching some lives I see that it was actually used for another dance break. I'm not sure how I feel about that, since the dance isn't particularly inspiring. In the MV, it's used to showcase more summer fun with the girls but I feel it could have been done without. Speaking of, the video is your standard summer video. The girls are dressed in summer wear, and party on a yacht. All aboard the S.S. A-Pink I guess!
Truth be told, everything about "Remember" is quite simple. The MV is the stereotypical summer video, the choreography is cute and uninspiring, and the vocals aren't that exciting (outside of substantial growth from Naeun). It's a solid score without question, but "Remember" certainly lacks the punch that some other girl groups have been able to bring in this comeback frenzy.
[ Overall: 80 / 100 ]