June 9, 2015

[Review] BoA - Kiss My Lips

We don't have much time to play catchup before the march of the June comebacks rolls in so we'll start recovery with BoA and her latest album. The reigning queen of the industry had some stellar music last time around so I'm keeping hopes high for her.

The sound of "Kiss My Lips" is natural progression from "Disturbance." The vocals are more mature, more refined, more sensual compared to that past release. BoA's voice has been extremely consistent ever since debut so there is no disappointments here. BoA is nothing short of spectacular with how she uses her voice in this song. Sprinkle English here and there (which BoA's pronunciation has always been good, might I add) and you have a good song. The chorus is rather weak but that is due to the dance nature of the song.

Unfortunately, while BoA's vocals have not gotten weaker, her choreography has. For a song with many openings for dance, I wasn't that impressed by the choreography. Coming off the last couple reviews in "Love Game" and "Cupid," it's not good if I think this choreography is about on par with those, and we're talking about BoA here. The choreography in "Hurricane Venus," "Only One," and even "Shadow" was much better and more fitting for BoA than here. The use of GIANT FEATHERY FANS is certainly something new, and I will admit I thought it was neat the first time, but in the end it's an accessory and nothing more.

The video has plenty of shots of BoA looking gorgeous and the rest are choreography angles. The classic empty box set is used, this time with various visual effects that are trying to distract the viewer from the fact that it's still a boring room. There are some shots with BoA's face projected onto the background wall, which is a bit creepy and unnecessary in my opinion, though I guess it's hard to tell who it is. The problem with this MV is that it lacks any substance compared to "Shadow," which was also a dance video at heart. And when you look at "Hurricane Venus" and "Copy & Paste," those choreographies were way more intense and impressive than the dance in "Kiss My Lips."

"Kiss My Lips" in the most simple format is: pristine vocals, catchy song, disappointing dance, mediocre music video. It's a valiant effort by the queen of Kpop, and thankfully the other tracks on the album help round out some of the weaknesses in "Kiss My Lips."

[ Overall: 83 / 100 ]

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