May 12, 2013

[Review] SHINee - Why So Serious

Vocals: 4 / 10
I did not want to listen to this song twice. One listen was enough and I really didn’t want to, but since it has been a while I gave it another chance (I regretted said decision almost instantaneously). It’s similar to both Super Junior M’s “Break Down” and Soshi’s “I Got A Boy” in both structure and sound, which are not good comparison songs to be used. The awkward jumps between three or four different mini songs was terrible and none of the individual “pieces” of the whole song sound good to begin with, unlike with “I Got A Boy” which had at least individual pieces that sounded good but didn’t mesh together. I considered talking a bit on how some parts would’ve sounded incredible if Jonghyun was here, or how Taemin stepped up big time but it’s not even worth it, everything is just bad, simply put.
Appearance: 8 / 10
Onew and Minho look good, per usual. Key’s hair doesn’t suit him at all, or to be more accurate that colour hair doesn’t suit many people at all, so it’s not really his fault. Taemin’s hair could also be scrapped. He easily looked the best in “Disturbance”, with a simple and clean look. I miss Jonghyun.
Dance: 9 / 10
I guess if the vocals and song of SHINee will disappoint then I can look to the choreography. There’s all sorts of fancy things going on here from the zombie dancing to splits and other various intricacy. It’s pretty neat and all definitely but something many people mentioned that is without a fifth person, the choreography lacks of a center point, the main person of interest per se, the glue holding everything together. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Jonghyun but there is something missing and it’s definitely evident. Regardless though it’s a super cool dance.
Rap: 4 / 10
Key is a better rapper than Minho, Minho is a better rapper than Taemin, and all three of them were downright terrible for this song. It’s just all sorts of bad, with the bizarre high pitch changes and all that random jumble akin to some of the verses. If it makes me cringe while merely typing about it, it’s ten times as worse to listen to so I’m stopping here.
Music Video: 3 / 10
I’ve noticed my music video ratings have become more harsh with a steep decline. This is probably due to me getting very quickly tired of generic boring music videos. Five boys I mean four boys going after one girl, nothing new. Everyone dancing in empty rooms with fancy designs and such, nothing new. Some incoherent form of a “plot”, nothing new. I don’t even think we get to see the girl’s face this time, in comparison to “Replay” or “Sherlock”. But I guess this is following the so-called trend starting from “Dream Girl”. One of these days / songs S.M. will make a good music video, but this was certainly not the song.
Overall: 56 / 100
OK, so Jonghyun got into an accident. OK, so S.M. was gonna have SHINee return as four. OK, that’s understandable given the money making machine S.M. is, but I would have appreciated if this song was enjoyable in the slightest, which it isn’t. The song is a mixture of three smaller songs and none of them are enjoyable, and the rapping makes things even more atrocious. Ultimately, this song ends up being flashy choreography of which if I want to watch, I’ll just load the video then mute it, because unfortunately, it really is that bad.

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