May 31, 2020

[Bonus] The Late Report: May 2020

I don't know what I'm gonna write here. There is...a lot going on in this world during 2020 and not much of it is pleasant. Music has not been as much of a getaway as it used to be and I default to gaming more often than not. Between Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, it's got my bases covered. Anyway here's what was interesting in May.
DAY6 - Zombie
Man is it hard to avoid the music from this group when both my sisters only put their albums on repeat. Obviously it's still great music but I was never the type that could listen to the same thing over and over again. "Zombie" is the latest out of the band and it's another powerful piece. This coming off the heels of their break due to anxiety and other mental health concerns, is a proper and emotional track. There's also an English version of the song, which functions equally well.

May 25, 2020

[Review] KARA - Cupid Revisited

Another episode taking a look back at some of the song reviews I've done across the years. I'm not sure if I'll always stick to five year revisits, but for now it'll have to be the case. "Cupid" was the final main release for KARA and if memory serves it was quite anticlimactic. Let's see if my opinions have changed. Linked is one of their best performances of the song but unfortunately despite their amazing outfits the video quality is lying through its teeth.
  • Seungyeon and Gyuri handle the bulk of the vocals, especially the excellent work at the end of the song. Gyuri has such a voice that I don't know how to describe, but regardless she shines here in "Cupid," utilizing her high range and pristine voice. Gyuri's voice definitely is "imperial." Gyuri might be the goddess but as far as visuals go in "Cupid" she surrendered that title to Hara.
In the final phase of KARA the duo always did all the work vocals-wise. Gyuri's voice has fluctuated from good to bad for me over her career but it definitely shone in "Cupid." Also funny is how I mentioned "surrendering" the appearance title but I'm pretty sure Hara has always held that crown over Gyuri. Maybe some comebacks would make the competition close but worst case Hara dangled the title only to yoink it back at the last second.

May 19, 2020

[Misc] Bias Power Rankings XIV: Spring 2020

Turns out there was a button to press allowing you to use the old Blogger ha! Definitely wasn't there before... Anyway my blindness doesn't stop me from placing girl group members on another ranking list.
#10. Jennie / #9. Eunji (-3) / #8. Mina / #7. Hwasa / #6. Olivia (+1)
By some miracle, Jennie doesn't get dropped even though she's been as inactive as can be. There are rumors flying that Black Pink will be picking up some steam as we head towards the summer but until I see an actual video posted by YG I'll remain cautious. Hwasa and Mina are by no means new to the list, having made appearances here and there throughout the years. Mamamoo's continued excellence means Hwasa will keep dipping in and out, while Twice's comeback teasers have me cautiously optimistic for another standout track following the heels of "Feel Special." As one of the veterans of this list and Kpop in general, Eunji hangs on for dear life. On the flipside, Olivia Hye keeps her status as the new "it" girl in my eyes despite the pretty disappointing "So What."

May 14, 2020

[Misc] Blogger Makes Me Unhappy Now

Dude what the fuck happened to Blogger. This update is absolutely wack. Nothing looks good, buttons got shifted around, and it just feels wrong. Taeyeon please save me. Anyway, this is yet another bullshit short update. Hopefully I get used to the new site soon otherwise all the drafts I've been working on might never get finished. Blech.

May 2, 2020

[Review] Chungha - Stay Tonight

Wow, it's really been a year since "Snapping." I guess unemployment and quarantine has diluted my sense of time over the last few months. Anyway, Chungha is one of the solo starlets to make a recent comeback - with the likes of IU and Taeyeon coming soon. She's been on the grind over the last couple years and has not slowed down. Given the scope of her fellow Produce classmates, one could argue she's seen the most success out of the entire program.