July 4, 2018

Recurring Series Directory

Hello. This will be the central hub for any series that I've got on the blog: Bias Power Rankings, Rapper Power Rankings, etc. Those will be the bulk of the series since I love writing them, but will also have other stuff like Best Of B-Sides. Future new series will also get added here. For series that were broken up, I'll link the first section of each installment. It's a place to see how certain series have evolved and how my writing style has changed over the years. Maybe they'll get replaced with some cute banners. too. Assuming that I can pin this somewhere on the sidebar, this will be a solid addition to the blog.
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV
Timeline (IX)
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI
I | II | III
I | II | III | IV | V
I | II | III | IV
I | II | III | IV
I | II | III?

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