June 10, 2014

[Review] G.NA - G.NA's Secret

G.NA’s new title song sounds like something out of Secret, for, well…obvious reasons. G.NA’s career to me has been a rollercoaster, mostly on the downwards trends with more cutesy songs that aren’t appealing to her voice. Outside of her debut, I can’t think of another title track that has ever floored me. We’ll see how “G.NA’s Secret” fares.
Vocals: 8 / 10
G.NA is a talented vocalist simply underutilized. That’s how I’ve phrased my common opinions on this girl. This song starts off as no exception but does have some good quality moments like the bridge, and the chorus itself isn’t even too tilted on the aegyo side of things. This may be the closest I’ve ever seen G.NA attain the “balanced aegyo” that A-Pink seems to do so flawlessly song after song. Her voice is a natural blend of purity and power, and this song is a very good representation. Even with that said though, the collection of cutesy giggles and such don’t help this score.
Dance: 7 / 10
I was originally not going to mention the choreography and split the vocals and MV into 25 points each but then I realized there’s actually quite a lot of dancing going on in this. As for the dance itself, it doesn’t deviate too much from G.NA’s norm. I liked the choreography of the 2nd chorus where she brought out a little Wheesung with the male and female counterpart backup dancers (I don’t really know how else to call that, so coining it a “Wheesung” will have to do). This is, however, a dance that needing bacup dancers is a must, as it’s a pretty uninteresting dance when done solo.
Music Video: 7 / 10
Consistency is a very good aspect to see in this video. Come to think of it, most of G.NA’s videos are pretty solid in this department. Extremely disturbing, awkward, and unnecessary were both the male salesman and whoever was playing as the bunny. I don’t see how you require a bunny suit to just hand out fliers advertising a party. Is that what people are doing these days? At least the party seems to go smoothly. The pervy disturbing moments actually mess up this score a lot, as it would’ve been a very sweet and generic MV otherwise.
Overall: 74 / 100
How amusing that G.NA and Hyosung matched scores with very different songs. While Hyosung played to strong choreography and minimalist vocal requirements, G.NA relied on her consistent vocals and decent-enough music video (which could have been so much better). This song does manage to hit that sweet spot of aegyo that won’t make me turn down the song like mentioned before, but does leave much to be desired out of G.NA’s vocal potential. It’ll be very interesting to see how Jiyeon measures up.

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