June 1, 2017

[Review] Sistar - Lonely (Blitz)

Sistar will exit the stage not with a bang but with a whimper, and truthfully that's okay. I think it'd be more painful to have another energetic summer jam conclude their act. "Lonely" is the exact opposite of what we've been hearing from Sistar: it's sombre and more on the darker side (in terms of energy). But that isn't to say it's slow. In fact the tempo is moderate and the group plays off this well, utilizing the chorus with repetitions of "lonely." For the first time in forever, the vocal levels of everyone are relatively together - though it's pretty much impossible to cloud Hyorin's talent. Soyu continues to do wonders with her voice and Dasom deserves a lot of credit for sounding the best she's ever been in the finale. She has slowly but steadily improved song after song and for that, she and Sistar fans everywhere should be proud. Lastly there's Bora. Even though she (still) didn't get any singing lines to the very end, she did receive a 20+ second rap that used her voice to max potential. This is the type of environment where Bora's rapping shines and I'm really happy this was the case for "Lonely." The MV was filmed in Hong Kong, which only doubles the feels for me as I'm from there, and watching the girls enjoy themselves, while knowing it will be their last time, in the comfort of such a great location is warming. Dasom's narration at the end is what brought me to tears but rest assured this group and its spectacular history will not be forgotten. Farewell, Sistar.
Word Count: 270

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