November 1, 2013

[Review] Block B - Very Good

Vocals: 5 / 10
U-Kwon and Taeil are talented vocalists (Jaehyo too for the most part) but this song is very much a Block B song, and so they don’t have many opportunities to showcase themselves. For the portions they sang (excluding the chorus), they did well but I can’t really say much else since they didn’t sing much. How about that falsetto at the end, if you could call that falsetto. Impressive, to say the least, even for a line like that.
Appearance: 5 / 10
Big Bang called, and they want some of their stuff back. Block B has always been very non-mainstream, but this was just way too much like Big Bang for me to think otherwise. The Mickey Mouse hair for Zico, blue hair for Zico, U-Kwon’s mask, Kyung’s popping out from the plate, Taeil’s near-identical appearance to G-Dragon with that hairstyle and glasses. They’ve been “wacky” since the debut with “Freeze” but this was disappointing since it really just looked like a mimic of Big Bang. U-Kwon looked the most “normal”, and the best.
Dance: ? / 10
Similar to Lee Hi and “It’s Over”, I don’t think I’ll be giving a score here for the same reasons. There’s not enough screen time to the dance, and that’s not even considering that a majority of the dance that is shown, is simply freestyle or much flailing of the arms and legs. Which is perfectly okay, given the nature of the song, but as such giving this a score would be unfair to Block B.
Rap: 9 / 10
Block B has a wealth of rappers with vast experience, and because their music is centered on rapping they should have a good score. Kyung and Zico (and P.O, for his little bit) perform up to their standards and the English usage was good. Hell, all of the English throughout the song was pretty well executed and well pronounced. Special note would be the chorus, because while to fluent English speakers “I’m very very good” sounds like common sense, there have a few too many instances of awful English and this could’ve turned out very poorly.
Music Video: 8 / 10
Like the appearances, the music video also reminded me of Big Bang a lot, and since Block B has (in my opinion) put themselves in their own unique category, this isn’t a good thing. The boxes are pretty standard, but the rooms with decorated thrones, the silly colours, the vans containing people with masks, etc. etc. The video was fun and all, but I drew plenty of similarities to other Big Bang videos, and like I mentioned with appearances, just seemed like a letdown, or they weren’t really trying.
Overall: 70 / 100
As far as Block B’s comeback is concerned, it was good to see them return despite the shenanigans with their previous label, but honestly comparing this song as Block B’s standard to “Be The Light” which was easily out of their comfort zone, I enjoyed the latter much more. Using “good” to describe “Very Good” is applicable, but not so much “very good”.

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