December 30, 2017

[Misc] Housekeeping For 2018

With all the cleaning around the house I've been doing lately, I felt it was good to drop a brief housekeeping post for the blog as well. First off, I'm going to belatedly start / categorize the 8th season of writeups. It's not that my writing style has really changed all that much over the last year and beyond but the break that I took earlier this year helps make the split easier. Therefore, 8th season will start from mid-May of 2017 and continue on until whenever I feel the next shift is necessary. All posts since then will be updated to reflect this change, and I'll also spend time going through each of those posts for typos, errors, etc. etc. Obviously I can't do this for all the blog posts because that would (a) be ridiculous and (b) take forever so this split is a nice medium. I may also change the tags to [Season #] instead, but the jury's still out on that one.

I don't ever straight up delete old blog entries, but I will do a quick sweep of the 350+ posts for anything blatantly worth removing. I doubt I'll find anything but it'll keep my OCD satisfied for the time being. Nonetheless the priority will be cleaning up the Season 8 posts, and finishing up the 2018 Kpop Awards which will hopefully be released tomorrow night. Last but certainly not least... Thank you to all those who take a peek at my blog. Whoever you are, wherever you are, if I have even a few people that enjoy my writeups then that's damn good enough for me. Cheers to a brighter and better year of Kpop in 2018!

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