August 18, 2019

[Misc] Thought Corner: China Trouble

If you've been living under a rock lately, you'll know there's some shit going down in Hong Kong. I'm not the person to best summarize the situation, but there are plenty of places for you to catch up. Basically there's a fuckton of protesting going on in Hong Kong, and as someone with Cantonese blood in my veins and plenty of family living there right now, it's pretty personal.

There's uproar all over the place, but in the Kpop sphere, many of the Chinese idols have been voicing their support with the mainland, and Hong Kong police. You can find plenty of this evidence on social media like Instagram, Weibo, etc. Lay, Victoria, Jackson, etc. Now, an average person jumps to conclusions and claims these guys are pro-China and all that jazz. While that might be (and in some cases probably?) true, it's not a blanket statement that could apply to every single idol that has posted about it. These are Chinese idols with a career and family, the Chinese government isn't exactly gonna let them off easily if they didn't say anything - or dared to support what's going on in Hong Kong.

So while I am definitely disappointed in some of these posts - Victoria especially - it's certainly not a good spot to be in for anyone. It's a fucked up situation through and through. There is always conflict in the world. Who knows how things will play out with this one. Have a nice Sunday.

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