October 31, 2019

[Review] Taeyeon - Spark

The queen is back. Taeyeon has returned with a new album "Purpose." If I was a true fan, I'd go and review the entire album but I know myself: I'd try and give up halfway through because I'm a lazy piece of shit. To that end, here we have the title track of this album, "Spark." Because I'm true Taeyeon trash I exposed myself to the music video teasers (and highlights from the album, too) so I was feeling pretty good about another solid Taeyeon release. Here's what I think.

Taeyeon is - for a lack of a better word - transcendental in her vocal talent by now. She's been in the industry for over a decade and has constantly improved her abilities while expanding her horizons. "Spark" has more of a groovy R&B style compared to her previous solo endeavors, which is most evident in the verses. The chorus is full of small harmonies that set you up for the grand finale later. Surprisingly, the bridge of "Spark" is the weakest link in the song because of its simplistic nature. Just some smooth Taeyeon vocals with backing vocals echoing after her. But I suppose that makes the impact of the final chorus much stronger. She doesn't do anything particularly special, but as always Taeyeon brings joy to your ears.

When teasers came out for this track and nearly everyone on reddit was losing their collective mind: "OMG Taeng choreography finally!" Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering if these people think "Why" was a joke. Of course this is reddit so the hivemind is very powerful but yeah y'all better not be forgetting about "Why," that shit was good. Anyway the choreography is kinda like the vocals: playing things safe and consistent. Taeng body rolls are more cute than sexy but that's probably better to fit the narrative of "Spark." In the dance practice you can see her with eight backup dancers, which makes my OT9 heart think of the good ol' days. Even though it's been years now, thinking about Jessicagate still makes me sad.

Blogger is currently freaking the fuck out and wouldn't let me add any images or videos so I'll have to edit them back in later. "Spark" is not misleading in any sense of the imagination. The song is exciting due to being something new, while having good support in the consistent vocals and choreography. At this stage in her career, Taeyeon doesn't need to do anything extra to add to her legacy but she continues to deliver. Because she really loves music, and her fans really love her. All hail the queen.

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