September 12, 2020

[Review] CLC - Helicopter

CLC are back after a year of dormancy. Given the trip 2020 has been, it feels like even longer. Regardless, they desperately needed this comeback. Their 2019 trilogy was pretty solid and they have lost a lot of momentum with the long break. "Helicopter" could very well be their last chance since Cube appears to be paying more attention to the rest of their roster. As an aside, every time I hear the word "helicopter" I'm reminded of this fantastic clip of f(x)'s Luna and Amber. Y'all remember when they were in a group and released music and shit?

Gonna try something new and talk about the choreography first! While this is not the most difficult or intriguing CLC dance, it is definitely one of their most unique. They utilize many formations and change things up constantly between the number of members and backup dancers on stage at any given time. It's quite refreshing and is the main selling point of this performance. CLC swinging their arms around like a helicopter and giving the pilot salute are both hilarious and powerful. So again while this ain't their best dance, it's very memorable.

Upon first impressions, this song is a mixed bag. The prechorus, chorus, and bridge are very powerful and hearken back to some of their greatest hits like "Hobgoblin" and "Me." Oh Seunghee has never sounded better. The aesthetic unity of her prechorus ending on the word "higher" with a high note is beautiful. Simply beautiful. Sorn and Seungyeon are of course no slouches either and this trio makes magnificent work of the parts that sound great. Unfortunately, there are parts that don't. Yujin and Eunbin have been relegated to the backburner which while not unusual for them, is bad because their lines are simply so awful this time around. The former gets shitty English lyrics while the latter is forced to be a secondary rapper. If you're gonna make anyone in CLC rap that isn't named Yeeun, it should be Seungyeon because she has the best voice for it.

Speaking of Yeeun, she shines again with two rap verses and maintains her signature Hyuna Jr. style. She has risen through the ranks quite quickly but with CLC slowing down, so too have her progressions as a rapper. Yeeun's raps are the intermediary between the brilliant and less brilliant parts of "Helicopter." I realize I haven't said Elkie's name at all until just now but that's because she's kinda just...there. Certainly wasn't in the spotlight much at all this comeback.

The English version is worth mentioning because not only does it exist, but it honestly sounds better than what we got. The lyrics and flow are much smoother here, and there's no awkward juxtaposition between the English and Korean words of the original. Furthermore, the rap gives Yeeun more of her trademark bite with her delivery which is great, even if the line "I made lemonade out of these lemons in my mouth" is fucking hilariously cringe. But yeah the big difference between languages is that the English version doesn't sound anywhere near as clunky. In fact, I honestly suspect the Korean version was created afterwards rather than the other way around. Regardless, if other groups want to start releasing polished English versions of their hits please be my guest. CLC and Cube did an excellent job here.

"Helicopter" and the lyrics within kinda represent CLC's career arc. First they were grounded and got some upgrades in new additions to the team. Then they started to gain traction and prepare for takeoff with songs like "Hobgoblin" and "Black Dress." In 2019 they climbed to great heights with their trilogy of releases. Where they are flying to from here, we'll have to wait and see, but hopefully the wind behind them has gotten a little bit stronger with this comeback.

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