September 26, 2020

[Review] JJCC - Where You At (Throwback)

Apparently JJCC are still active. I remember reviewing their debut track "At First" and then they quickly dropped off my radar. But seems like they had some roster changes in 2015 and have kept kicking it from then. "Where You At" is one such release under the new regime - and during their most active year. Don't count on me mentioning members by name because of the aforementioned lack of attention.

The song itself is pretty lackluster. Even for its time, I don't think there's anything particularly impressive about "Where You At." For starters, we all know how much I dislike any chanting in most songs, and this would be no exception. Whether it's in the verses or chorus, there's an abundance of chants and it's not a good thing. Certainly reminiscent of the times, but it lacks the staying power that other boy group titans have had with other songs. The bridge is worth mentioning at the least, thanks to Eddy's smooth vocals and build into the final chorus (even if said final chorus sucks).

I remember that the rapping from "At First" was pretty solid but you don't really get to see any improvements on that here. This is mostly because of the song structure as a whole, but each rapping segment itself is uninspiring. Also I think the rap "verses" are identical? Seems pretty lazy to me. ...we're not gonna talk about that opening. Can't. Won't.

Now I haven't paid attention to the boy group landscape for many years now but I'd educate a guess that JJCC have not been on the front lines, and that stretches as far back as this release from 2015. The song, dance, and rap are all pretty meh and we know I don't care of the music videos in any era. All this song does is remind me of the vastly superior "Where U At" by Taeyang.

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